& Van der Maesen, L.J.G. Fantastic orange and yellow Gloriosa - a member of the Lily family - comes from East Africa. Pooley, E. 1998. Thiocolchicosides is produced from Gloriosa Superba , the material is available in India in is a muscle relaxant with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and is also being used in … In some parts of the world where it was introduced as an ornamental, such as Australia, it has escaped from gardens and naturalised, and is now an invasive weed. The leaves alternate or appear opposite and are, simple, strap-like with a tendril-like tip. Rootstockis thick, arched, solid, fleshy-white, almost cylindrical or slightly laterally flattened, occurringin pieces of 15-30 cm long, and 2.5 – 3.8 cm thick, often bifurcated with tapering ends, resembling a plough-share, one arm generally more than double the length of the … In pollinated flowers the petals lose the greenish colour at the base, and the top half of the petal remains orange-red and the middle to base is yellow. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. Gloriosa superba. It is native to Africa, Australia, Burma, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malacca, Malasia, South china, Srilanka and Veetnam. Other members of this family that are well-known to gardeners, include Sandersonia aurantiaca, Christmas bells, and Colchicum species and hybrids, the many kinds of crocus, native to Europe, North Africa and Asia, and grown in many gardens. Gloriosa superba is a slender, herbaceous vine grown from a thick tuberous rootstock. They are slow to increase by tuber, and should not be lifted more frequently than every three years.Sow seeds in spring. The genus Gloriosa is a small genus of about 12 species, found in Africa and Asia. Gloriosa rothschildiana. Common names of South African plants. Liliaceae) Flame lily. Full name - Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’ Find this Pin and more on Home Design and Decor by Alex Boyd. Floral Design Qualities For Gloriosa Gloriosa, Agnimukhi Agnimukhi is a genus of 12 species in the plant family Colchicaceae. Gloriosa superba L. includes G. simplex L. and G. virescens Lindl. From tight bud to withering flower takes about 2 weeks. Use with extreme caution and only under guidance of a qualified practitioner. Grow Gloriosa superba in fertile, well-composted soil in a sunny, semi-shaded or lightly shaded position, and water well in spring and summer. Tubers sprout in spring, and a tuber sends up 1 to 6 stems. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to As the flower opens and matures, the yellow and orange-red colours of the petals develop and deepen. 502: 175–179. About Gloriosa Climbing Lilies. It splits to release large, rounded, 4–5 mm in diameter, red seeds, with a thin fleshy outer layer. English language common names include flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily. Flame lily is the National flower of Zimbabwe. The base of the flower is made up of the large, shiny, green ovary tipped by the style, which is bent sharply outwards from the point of attachment at the tip of the ovary, and tipped by a stigma with three short arms. ); vlamlelie, boslelie, geelboslelie, rooiboslelie (Afr. Glory Lily, Gloriosa superba Fact Sheet. Gloriosa superba is a deciduous, summer-growing climber up to 1.5 m tall, with tuberous roots. tropical and southern Africa and temperate and tropical Asia (from China to India). they are presented up-side-down, with the ovary at the base, the stamens in the middle and the petals at the top. University of Cape Town. Botanical Society of South Africa, Cape Town. Allow them to scramble up through shrubs and trees or give them a string or thin-wire trellis to climb. Leaves are generally alternate but may also be opposite or whorled. Astrological Flowers N/A. Nothing quite compares to the beauty found in a Gloriosa lily (Gloriosa superba), and growing a climbing lily plant in the garden is an easy endeavor. This plant is highly toxic and may be fatal if eaten. Gloriosa Superba is . Other members of this family that are well-known to gardeners, include Sandersonia aurantiaca, Christmas bells, and Colchicum species and hybrids, the many kinds of crocus, native to Europe, North Africa and Asia, and grown in many gardens. 1966. A field guide to wild flowers Kwazulu-Natal and the eastern region. Description. The species name superba means ‘superb’ or ‘splendid’. Additional information (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) No quarrels. Gloriosa superba is a slender, herbaceous vine grown from a thick tuberous rootstock. An exotic summer-flowering plant, the glory lily requires warm growing conditions to … Dounias, E. Gloriosa superba Protabase Record display http://www.prota4u.org/downloads/Gloriosa+superba/Gloriosa+superba.pdf downloaded 2 February 2015. The leaves are shiny, bright green and are tipped in a tendril, which will cling to anything it touches. Keep the trays moist but not wet. Government Printer, Pretoria. leaves given to cattle as antiworm treatment. The tubers are poisonous to grazing stock. Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe. Plants of southern Africa: an online checklist. The showy flowers are borne in summer and are usually bi-colore… Gloriosa superba L. (Combretaceae; Alt. Common Name (s) English: Flame lily; Turk's Cap. Gloriosas are part of the lily family, and produce tuberous, tendril-like vines and beautiful, sprawling red flowers. The showy flowers are borne in summer (November to March) and are usually bi-coloured yellow and orange-scarlet, ageing a deeper shade of orange-red to purple. Family COLCHICACEAE Genus Gloriosa Species superba SA Plant Number Basionym Gloriosa superba. The bright red seeds are used to make decorative necklaces. Keep the tubers and the seed capsules away from pets and children and do not let the sap come into contact with your mouth or eyes while working with them, as it can cause skin irritation. Roberts, M. 1990. Synonyms. 2001. Gloriosa superba can be propagated by seed or division of the tubers.Lift and divide the tubers in late winter while the plants are dormant, but just before new growth starts in spring. The style and stamens also turn brown and shrivel up, whilee the green ovary at the centre of the flower, enlarges as the seeds develop inside. Plants have leaf tip tendrils. The genus name Gloriosa is from the Latin gloriosus meaning ‘glorious’, ‘famous’ or ‘ostentatious’. Natal Flora Publications Trust, Durban. All parts are poisonous, especially tubers (thickened roots) which resemble yams. Lily-like flowers with 6 showy petal-like segments of bright red edged with bright yellow. 2011. Gloriosa superba L. Show All Show Tabs flame lily General Information; Symbol: GLSU2 Group: Monocot Family: Liliaceae Duration: Perennial: Growth Habit: Forb/herb Vine: Native Status: L48 I: Data Source and Documentation: About our new maps. Briza Publications, Pretoria. It is used to treat a wide range of ailments and diseases in southern Africa, including intestinal worms, haemorrhoids, sprains, strains and bruises, impotence and infertility, as an antispasmodic, and for skin problems, tick infections, to kill lice, disinfect wounds and treat screw worm on cattle. Weeds of Australia. Genus species Gloriosa superba Family Colchicaceae / Liliaceae. ... Family- colchicaceae. In winter-rainfall climates, keep them dry in winter or grow them in well-drained soil, as the dormant tubers are prone to rotting. Glory Lily, Gloriosa Lily. Description. It has not been established what pollinates the flowers, but from the size of the flowers, and the position of the anthers and stigma in relation to the flower and the nectar it produces, it would be expected to be a strong-flying creature with a long beak or tongue, that perches on the flower stalk or hovers beside the flower and comes into contact with an anther and/or the stigma while feeding on the nectar, such as a small, nectar-feeding bird like a sunbird, a butterfly, hawk moth or a long-tongued fly. The juice is used to treat snakebite and scorpion stings. Gloriosa superba medicinal uses and pictures. History Gloriosa is native to Africa, Southeastern Asia and parts of Malaysia, but they are now widely cultivated. Gloriosa belongs in the crocus family (Colchicaceae). The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Manning, J. They will tolerate poor soils, but perform better in fertile loamy soil. The stem is leafy. Protabase. The stigma is receptive for 3 days when the petals show the orange-red tips, yellow middle and greenish base. Maroyi, A. The stems die back in late summer, and the tubers are dormant during winter. The tendrils present in the leaves help the plant to grow with the support of other plants in order to get sunlight. Common names: flame lily, climbing lily, Turk’s cap, superb lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily (Eng. They are tender, tuberous rooted deciduous perennials, adapted to summer rainfall with a dormant dry season. Seedlings can be planted out straight into the garden or their container as soon as they are large enough to handle, or pot them up and grow them on in the nursery. Scientific Classification. 1996. Flower. These lilies bloom during the spring and can give your landscape or your window sills a pop of color. Various preparations of the plant are used in traditional medicines for a variety of complaints in both Africa and India. The flowers grow on long stalks and are 6-parted, yellow or red with wavy margins. Afrikaans: Vlamlelie; Boslelie. Eastern Cape. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(26): 6112–6121. Gloriosa superba grows naturally on the coastal dunes in humus rich beach sand along the east coast of South Africa in Durban as a result this plant is very salt wind resistant. University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg. The plants contain the alkaloid colchicine. Gloriosa superba also known as Calihari, is perennial herb and grown as a climber.It is also called Glory Lily because of its eye catching and multicolored glorious flowers. It is widespread and common in its natural range and does not face any significant threats. Gloriosa Superba is a flowering plant that belongs to Colchicaceae family. As a member of the Colchicaceae family, the Gloriosa superba is a magnificent plant that resembles tongues of fire in their shape and colour. Germination is erratic, occurring in 2 weeks to 3 months, with some seeds remaining dormant for up to 9 months. Genus name … 35. Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' Flame of the Woods, Flame Lily, Climbing Lily, Glory Lily Gloriosa Lilies are a climbing member of the Lily family, which are natives of South Africa. Gloriosa superba, commonly called gloriosa lily or climbing lily, is a tropical vine which grows to 6’. Numbness of lips, tongue, and throat, thirst, fever, bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, difficult breathing, convulsions, shock, multi-organ damage, bone marrow suppression, Alkaloids (colchicine and others) and resins. Smith, C.A. This plant was named for its showy ‘glorious superb’ summer flowers. It is a good container plant. N.C. ); ihlamvu, ihlamvu-labafana, ihlamvu -lomfana nentombazana, ihlamvu lasolwandle, isikwali sasolwandle, isimiselo (isiZulu). Gloriosa superba 'Himalayan Select' (Gloriosa Lily) Incredibly beautiful, Gloriosa superba 'Himalayan Select' (Gloriosa Lily) is a deciduous, tuberous, tendril climber boasting magnificent, rich rosy-red and greenish-yellow flowers with dramatically forward-reaching stamens and swept-back, ruffled petals. A study on seed yield in India, found that seed yield in wild plants was low and variable, and that controlled self pollination between flowers on the same plant, gave significantly higher seed yield. Climbs by tendrils at the leaf tips. They should be planted on a trellis for support but stems can be damaged if handled too much to train them. Selvarasu, A. Greenish yellow. Native: Introduced: Both: … & S. Africa, W. Indian Ocean, Indian Subcontinent to Lesser Sunda Habitat: scrambling habit in forest understory Uses: While high quantities can be toxic this plant is used as a medicinal.The roots and leaves used in snakebite. Login to add your Comment This ornamental claw like flower plant is also known for its long history of medicinal values, we … Not registered yet? Alice NottenKirstenbosch National Botanical GardenJune 2015, Thompson T MutshinyaloWalter Sisulu National Botanical Garden29 January 2001, SA Distribution: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Flowering season: Early Summer, Late Summer, Aspect: Full Sun, Shade, Morning Sun (Semi Shade), Afternoon Sun (Semi Shade). It is also suitable for coastal gardens, even those that get salt-laden winds as it occurs naturally in coastal dunes in some areas. Download the catalogue and order form from this page: http://www.sanbi.org/gardens/kirstenbosch/kirstenbosch-nbg-seedroom. The climbing glory lily, Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’ is an ideal choice for growing in a warm conservatory, where it will scramble up support canes or wires to a height of around 1.2m. The colours of the petals in the bi-coloured forms, indicate the stage of development of the flower. Flame Lily - The Gloriosa Superba. The flowers grow on long stalks and are 6-parted, yellow or red with wavy margins. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In India it is used mainly to treat gout and rheumatism. Southern Book Publishers, Halfway House, Johannesburg. All parts of the plant contain colchicine and related alkaloids and are therefore dangerously toxic if ingested, and contact with the stems and leaves can cause skin irritation. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Jackson, W.P.U. PLEASE NOTE: that all parts of this plant, both above and below ground, but particularly the tubers, are extremely poisonous, and ingestion could be fatal. It seems to like sandy soils and I have seen it growing in the sand dunes at Kei Mouth. Genus- Gloriosa. The leaves alternate or appear opposite and are, simple, strap-like with a tendril-like tip. These blossoms of Gloriosa superba (the Fire Lily or Tongues of Fire) are perfect images for today's first scripture reading. All parts of this plant are toxic. Subscribe Subscribe To Our Newsletter. There are 6 free petals, and they are bent backwards (reflexed) so that they are pointing upwards. Gloriosa superba is a species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae. These tubers are also a vine that climbs by means of tendrils at the tips of their leaves. Gloriosa. They are nodding, i.e. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria. Gloriosa Superba is known by many names, including the flame lily and climbing lily, and the isimiselo in Zulu. Birth Month Flower N/A. Acta Hort. Remove the fleshy outer coat and soak the seeds in warm water overnight. Description. Handle the tubers with care as they are delicate and brittle. However, pollination is achieved, the flowers set seed successfully even outside of their natural distribution range. 2000. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Family. & Kandhasamy, R. 2012. With their wavy, curling margins, and fiery colours, they really do look like flames. Pronunciation. Kalihari (Gloriosa superba) is an herbaceous tall glabrous branching climber. Make sure you plant your gloriosa bulbs out of the reach of animals and small children, because they are poisonous if eaten. Three species occur in southern Africa: Gloriosa superba, G. modesta (= Littonia modesta), the climbing Christmas bell or geelklokkie in Afrikaans, and G.rigidifolia (= Littonia rigidifolia). Gloriosa superba is the only species in this genus in the autumn-crocus family (Colchicaceae). Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. This plant is commonly referred to as the flame lily, glory lily, fire lily and Gloriosa lily. Tubers sprout in spring, and a tuber sends up 1 to 6 stems. Gloriosa belongs in the crocus family (Colchicaceae). This adaptation results in low seed yield, but good seed quality. Use well-drained, sterile potting soil, press them into the soil and cover lightly. Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera. There is also a pure yellow form. Gloriosa superba L.. Common Name: Gloriosa Lily Family: Colchicaceae Country of Origin: Trop. Leistner, O.A. This very rare, beautiful, slender, tuberous climber opens exquisite, exotic flowers, which are chocolate purple edged in lemon yellow, solitary, on long pedicels in leaf axils and usually angled downward with swept-back petals. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Gericke, N. 2000. Reproductive biology of Gloriosa superba. Gloriosa superba is a hardy, deciduous, trailing or scrambling plant with shiny light green leaves that taper to tendrils at the tips, which help it to climb. The length of flame lily is between 3 to 6 meters, and trained at 1.5 meter above the ground level. Leaves are sessile with strong parallel veining and tipped with tendrils. The leaves are shiny, bright green, and are tipped in a tendril, which will cling to anything it touches. It is also noted that the flowers open sequentially so that no two flowers on a branch are at the same stage of development at any time. Eventually they wither and turn brown. South African Wild Flower Guide 11. All quarrels proceed from egoism which pushes its own opinion and affirms its own importance, considering that it is right and everybody else wrong and thus creates anger and sense of injury etc. The fruit is a large, leathery, 3-valved capsule, taking 6–10 weeks to ripen. The flower buds are yellow or greenish yellow. http:posa.sanbi.org. IsiZulu: isimiselo; ihlamvu; isikhwali. 1990. It is also been identified as a potential anti-cancer drug. appreciated much for their characteristic, impressive and colourful flowers. Gloriosa lily, Gloriosa superba Gloriosa superba is the only species in this genus in the autumn-crocus family (Colchicaceae). Gloriosa superba is used in traditional medicine in African and Asian countries and in India, and is farmed for its chemical compounds. Homily for Pentecost Sunday (Scriptures ... Holy Family’s times and schedules, Holy Family’s language and structures, all can be suitably channeled for the evangelization . version 2014.3. http://www.zim.gov.zw/index.php/national-symbols/national-flower accessed 2 February 2015. Origins and meanings of names of South African plant genera . Common names include flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily. Zulu medicinal plants: an inventory. Strelitzia 10. They won’t cling to poles or chunky wooden trellises, and while they are mostly tough and easy to grow, the stems can be damaged and growth halted by attempts to train or redirect them. Click here to register. Family: Colchicaceae | Common name: Gloriosa superba. Accessed 2 February 2015. http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/03030800-0b07-490a-8d04-0605030c0f01/media/Html/Gloriosa_superba.htm. (ed.). Species- GloriosaSuperba . Gloriosa superba is a perennial tuberous climbing herb. Blooms summer to fall. Germination is best at warm temperatures between 20º and 25ºC, but not higher. Hutchings, A., Scott, A.H., Lewis, G. & Cunningham, A.B. Gloriosa superba has weak stems and uses other plants for support, climbing by means of the tendrils at its leaf tips, which cling to shrubs and trees that they touch. Gloriosa … Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day), Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours), 8b, 8a, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b, fleshy, oblong fruits (2 to 4½ inches long) with 3-valved capsules containing about 20 rounded red seeds, Lily like flowers on long stalks, 6-parted, yellow or red with wavy margins. Contu, S. 2013. glo-ree-OH-suh soo-PER-buh. Indigenous healing plants. It is a beautiful ornamental plant. Also, that the controlled self pollination produced better results that controlled cross pollination, between flowers on different plants. The slender stems are produced annually and are upright to scrambling and can grow up to 4 m long. It has recently been expanded to include the former genus Littonia. Colchicaceae - The flame lily family. Gloriosa superba is a species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae. Botanical name: Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' Common name: Glory lily ; Family: Colchicaceae ; Plant Type: Conservatory The flowers are borne on long pedicels on the upper parts of the stems. Dig and store in peat or vermiculite at 40 to 50°F. It has also been used as an arrow poison in parts of Africa. The stems die back in late summer and the tubers are dormant during winter. Young plants grow rapidly, but a plant takes 3–4 years to flower for the first time from seed. Gloriosa superbais a deciduous, summer-growing climber up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, with tuberous roots. This is a rainy season plant, and sprouts well in warm, humid, and tropicalconditions. Gloriosa superba is a striking climber with unusual and beautiful, red and yellow, flame-like flowers in summer; it is suitable for shade or sun, and is easy to grow. Raina, R. & Gupta, L.J. This plant even grows in my garden in Cape Town without any care coming up each year. fertile seeds are produced from both cross- and self-pollination. Gloriosa superba. This study ruled out honey-bees as pollinators as the flowers exposed only to them, produced the least amount of seeds, and established that Gloriosa superba has no genetic self-incompatibility, i.e. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. The slender stems are produced annually and are upright to scrambling and can grow up to 13.3 feet (4 m) long. It is herbaceous tendril climber with underground cylindrical white tuberous rhizome. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Color: Red petals, with wavy yellow edges Bloom Time: Summer. People's plants . Gloriosa superba L. (family Colchicaceae): Remedy or poison? With various common names including gloriosa lily, glory lily, fi re lily, fl ame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, and cat’s claw or tiger’s claw, this highly variable, deciduous, summer- Gloriosa superba is a well-known and rewarding ornamental plant, grown in many countries across the world. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Gloriosa Flower Meaning N/A. Gloriosa superba is Red Listed as LC (Least Concern). 1999. It is happy either in containers or in warm soil, and is guaranteed to provoke a good amount of attention. http://www.sanbi.org/gardens/kirstenbosch/kirstenbosch-nbg-seedroom. Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 3(2): 511. Increasing seed yield in Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba) — experimental approaches. Keep reading for tips on Gloriosa lily planting. Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe. Gloriosa superba is tender to frost and in cold climates should be planted out once all danger of frost is passed. As the flower ages, the petals become entirely orange-red and the shade darkens. The stamens are large and prominent, and are presented in a ring around the flower, like the spokes of a wagon wheel radiating out around the flower, each tipped with a large anther. Looking at any one flower, the stigma becomes receptive 24 to 36 hours after the anthers release their pollen, so that it is unlikely to be pollinated by pollen from the same flower. It is a widely used and effective medicinal plant, but incorrect dosage has caused human deaths. Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Gloriosa. Gloriosa superba occurs in semi-shade or sun in bushveld, coastal dunes, coastal woodlands, forest, thicket, grassland and savanna-forest boundaries, in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West and in Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe and into tropical Africa, India and southeastern Asia. Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' Common Names. 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