Share. PHOTO: htmvalerio/Flickr. In 2000, the allegedly independent Supreme Court installed G.W. This “extra” value is called surplus-value. Andy Moxley ... Order your copy here – £3 + p&p 2020 has been a year of turmoil. The most recent and clearest move to the right came with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Latin America’s most populated country and the world’s eighth-largest economy. January 15 marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg. In Latin America, 2018 has been called “the year of the feminist uprising.” Women in Argentina led millions in insisting that abortion be legalized. Radical Women’s politics and history are already inspiring and aiding Trotskyists in other countries, which is an awesome development. In many people’s eyes, the claim that this is the best system ever, and one that can never be improved upon, rings hollow. As an example, in April 2019 the Spanish ultra-right party Vox entered the elections for parliament for the first time and won a seat with 10.6 percent of the vote. To summarize a crucial contradiction built into the system: As technology advances and workers gain new skills, companies can produce more goods. Months-long street protests continued to rock Haiti and Hong Kong. July 25, 2019, protest at New York City Hall calling for an elected police oversight board. This is happening even in countries like Turkey and the Philippines, where authoritarian governments violently suppress protest. Rapes by paramilitaries have featured heavily in the repression. But any gains made will not come through horse-trading in Washington, D.C., but through the power of a radical mass mobilization. THIS RESOLUTION, drafted for party-wide discussion in the late spring of 2019, was honed and adopted by Freedom Socialist Party members at FSP’s October 2019 national convention in Washington state. Iranian women lead in fighting for free speech and women’s freedom in Iran, despite fierce repression. The dynamic French protests inspired similar upheavals from Taiwan to Pakistan and Ireland. One’s personally or socially defined category becomes the most important way of orienting to the world. Rather, the story went, we should focus on microcosms of democracy in our neighborhoods and at our workplaces, or on creating an alternative culture. Closing off trade is not the goal; Trump just wants to make sure “America” comes out on top. The meltdown began with the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble in 2007. So far, attempts by the federal government to crush the case have not succeeded. And certainly what we are trying to accomplish with our efforts is just as important as where we put them. The best thing FSPers can do for people and our planet, as revolutionaries, is to organize and fight for ecosocialism, especially drawing a target on the greatest abuser of the Earth, the U.S. ruling class and government. It represents an objectively conditioned element in the development of a revolution, just as a revolution represents an objectively conditioned process in the development of society. In Spain and Italy, women have fronted the campaign against austerity measures, as they have the opposition to the privatization of water in Ireland. In the U.S., the average rate of profit fell steadily in the 1970s, reaching a low point in 1982. Reports flood in daily of war, worsening income and wealth inequality, far-right brutalities, and the plight of refugees. He appoints open political toadies into powerful positions, not only in his Cabinet, but also in agencies and spheres intended theoretically to be neutral — notably, the judiciary. In the union movement, that can mean speaking up at every opportunity, making radical demands, connecting with other socialists, and pushing for more democracy. The document that follows explores the nature of the global crisis, highlights the urgent need to find solutions, and offers conclusions about how revolutionaries can formulate, inspire, and lead toward a socialist feminist alternative. Garment workers are demanding paid maternity leave and sexual harassment protections in Bangladesh, while housekeepers in Hong Kong are pushing for a 44-hour workweek. Heavily industrialized nations are not immune from the devastations of climate change. They are building right-populist movements by whipping up ethnic and religious differences. At the same time, queers are strongly engaged in opposing fascists and defending free speech and transparency activists like Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange. In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte has become infamous for his use of state terror and assassination against the population, ostensibly to fight crime. In the past few years, however, this backward trend has intensified. In France, popular politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a supporter of the Yellow Vest movement, claimed that migrants “are stealing the bread” of French workers. Thanks to the downturn, they can buy labor, resources and equipment at bargain prices and begin the cycle all over again. The party has a beautiful, dedicated, multiracial, multigenerational cadre, one that includes veterans with decades of experience and newer comrades brimming with fresh perspectives and energy — all of us linked together by our politics and our burning desire for change. But a more apt characterization might be the planet’s most brutal bully and leading terrorist. In particular, this sector demands that Blacks who came to this country after the end of slavery — no matter how profoundly affected they have been by its racist legacy in the U.S. — be excluded from any benefits of reparations. But despite this outwardly principled move, Socialist Action sabotaged the attempt by the Committee for Revolutionary International Regroupment (CRIR) to reach out to the members of this formation, which has since fallen apart. SPEND $100 ON TIGHTS, GET $50 IN CREDIT! But for middle-caste treachery and betrayal, world revolution would have long since triumphed.”. If RW’s role as a help to other revolutionaries is to grow, then RW itself must grow. March 5, 2019: students in Melbourne, Australia, demand climate change action during one of several recent international school strikes. Young people are also on the march. Until 1978, productivity gains in the U.S. and other highly developed countries were mirrored by a rise in wages. Some believed enough accumulation of reforms would constitute a sort of slippery slope eventually resulting in socialism. Again, adaptation to reformism in the Trotskyist movement is not a new phenomenon; it has been happening for some time. Working in such alliances is also another vital opportunity to win people to our revolutionary feminist program. Our principled persistence pushed a number of initially hostile labor leaders to support affirmative action, respect women and people of color at the utility, and defend these workers’ rights. If nobody buys them, their value is lost, and along with it the company profits. A movement without a revolutionary program can make gains, even significant ones, but it loses the opportunity to make fundamental, lasting change. The overall growth rate in the Eurozone was a sluggish 1.6 percent at the end of 2018. And there’s been a surge of people with disabilities also getting active to defend themselves against Trump’s policies, like his bid to dismember Obamacare (aka the Affordable Care Act). Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party and self-identified democratic socialist, has backed off from more pro-immigrant policies he once held in favor of putting “our economic needs first.”. Causes event in Melbourne, VIC, Australia by Socialist Action on Saturday, March 28 2020 Her other writings include the Red Letter Press pamphlet “Capitalism’s Brutal Comeback in China.”, In Washington, D.C., friends and members of RW and FSP joined hundreds of thousands to protest Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. Calling for and building united fronts and other multi-issue, multiracial alliances and formations to bring our side together is the order of the day. Congressional gridlock has become a permanent feature of government along with the overt selling of elections to the highest bidders. Just as Marx predicted, capitalism in its fullest development functions as a planet-wide entity, but one that is fractured and held back by national boundaries. In the U.S., this involves persuading people that it’s important to support the Democratic Party and channeling activists into electoral politics. He is aggressively using tariffs, quotas and other restrictions on the imports of foreign competitors in order to protect home industries. And we must let these friends and allies know that we need them! From their earliest days, Radical Women and FSP have also dueled with radical feminism and lesbian separatism, approaches which also reject solidarity on the basis of a common source of oppression in favor of narrow loyalties based on gender or sexuality. Tweet . It is the expression of the indomitable human determination to meet the challenges of capitalism in decay with courage and solidarity, however modest our forces at this time. Plants provide the oxygen that living creatures breathe and, as the foundation of the food chain, the food we eat — and almost 600 species have become extinct in the past 250 years. Republican and Democratic politicians both exploit people’s attraction to identity politics. Conclusion: another recession is on its way. The far right owes the success of its growth in part to cowardice and abdication of leadership by much of the Left. In the party, we have talked before about the need for new generations of leaders to step forward — and some new leaders have! He goes on to explain how, in the course of production, workers create value above and beyond the cost of their labor-power, or what they are paid. (Readers can refer to Freedom Socialist articles for examples of left-populist concessions to neoliberalism in Greece, Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico.). Trotsky’s ideas live on in the CWI Eighty years after his assassination, the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) has published a collection of ten essays on the life and ideas of Leon Trotsky. Military might backs U.S. economic power, IV. January 15th marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg . And a third cause is the fact that marginalized and abused groups have suffered serious blows and won few solid victories over the past period. The Left’s response to the crisis: down the reformist rabbit hole Running scared, moving rightward The far Left not immune, VII. Revolutionary Ideas Festival: ‘Crisis and revolt: A world to win’ October 9, 2020. There have been many times in the history of the socialist movement when a sector lost confidence in the power of the working class to triumph over its rulers. Conditions today are causing people to lose faith in traditional leaders and gravitate away from the political center. In Revolutionary Ideas, one of the world’s leading historians of the Enlightenment restores the Revolution’s intellectual history to its rightful central role. This is a shattering event provoked this time almost entirely by human activity in the industrial era — notably, those activities that cause global warming. Since production for profit first became the dominant economic force, its growth has been a matter of jagged leaps and falls. Particularly in domestic policies, neoliberalism still holds sway. This is a natural feature of capitalist development after its best days are over, one that George Novack explains in his book Democracy and Revolution and has been discussed in previous political resolutions and the Freedom Socialist. As Karl Marx explained, the chaos of the marketplace made the alternation of crises and booms a basic fact of capitalism. In the U.S., the twin parties of big business, the Democrats and Republicans, compete each four years to decide which one of them will get to reap the benefits from laying their hands on the levers of power. The classical form of bourgeois democracy enshrined in the U.S. Constitution is a system of checks and balances among three independent branches of government — the executive, legislative and judicial. Like SAlt, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) backed Ralph Nader in 2000 and 2004. The quest on the Left for instant numbers at the expense of political principles has led some groups in Europe to take stands that concede to nationalistic fears and scapegoating of immigrants. Fortunately, though, these groups are wrong in their pessimism. FSP’s Leninism — our conviction that the seasoned, principled leadership of a vanguard party is indispensable in making and defending the transformation to socialism — also sets us apart from some supposedly revolutionary leftists who are fleeing from this position. But the buried details told a different story, providing an education about how capitalism hides its inner workings. For example, Sawant voted with her council colleagues to approve a new, Black, female police chief, who was an assistant chief and then the deputy chief during the period when Seattle became infamous for police brutality and corruption. He is an LGBTQ pioneer and labor activist, formerly a member of Hotel Employees/Restaurant Employees in California and New York. Enter neoliberalism, which temporarily and partially revived the rate of profit. But just as is true internationally, this is not a one-sided attack. Workers, women, people of color, immigrants, queers, youth and others are standing up against exploitation and injustice. In the 2018 midterm elections, the success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other DSA-affiliated candidates running as Democrats fortified the illusion that capitalist parties can be used against capitalism. Black women were in the lead of a 2019 student occupation at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to protest racial profiling, a university contract with ICE, and the hiring of a private, armed police force. Every FSP branch cannot take up all of these causes all of the time. Especially hard-hit are residents of rural areas, people of color, and workers who lost their jobs to the neoliberal factory escape across the border. Nor does it show the Pentagon’s military troops deployed in over 150 foreign countries. But in the U.S., as on the international scene, the people who are so passionately taking up causes are typically making only limited gains, despite some of the achievements noted in this section. Exactly when is impossible to pin down — but it seems safe to say it will be sooner rather than later. Machine-assisted increases in productivity should make workers’ lives easier and allow them to spend fewer hours on the job. Trump has used a scattershot, multi-country approach in his escalating trade wars, but his number one target has been China. Radical feminism — essentially the belief that men are the problem, not the system — is also responsible for a 21st-century version of single-issue identity politics. This is true both because of the economic super-exploitation involved and because of the divisions caused within the working class. Open fascist organizing has definitely increased in recent years, and opposing it is a main concern of FSP and others. For another example of news that isn’t as rosy as it first appears, let’s take figures announced with great fanfare for April 2019. The growth in their influence is alarming. What’s needed is to win our class to an alternative that is compelling, audacious and convincingly possible — to revolutionary socialism. Furthermore, we have strategies and tactics for moving forward, from our understanding of the importance of the Leninist party to our commitment to building united fronts. This includes but is not limited to white supremacists and anti-immigrant crusaders in the U.S. and Europe; attackers of Malawian refugees in South Africa; and members of ethnic and religious groups who are violently suppressing minorities in their countries, such as Hindus against Muslims and others in India, Sinhalese Buddhists against Christians in Sri Lanka, and Buddhists against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. This is one of our many recordings from the Revolutionary Ideas Online Festival, held on 28-29 November 2020. What is the main idea? Given our capabilities and the nature of the times, it seems that these would be: the labor movement, always our natural sphere; homelessness and housing, where perhaps the main battle against poverty is taking place today; the fights against police violence and the far right/white supremacy, which are related; feminist issues, especially reproductive rights; and the struggles of people of color, especially Blacks, as public workers and as leaders in opposing racism, from the halls of Congress to the streets of Baltimore. Current track: Revolutionary Ideas - Episode 3 - Trotskyism: An Idea for the 2020's? But since then, all the increased profits from greater productivity have gone straight into the pockets of the master class. Condolences to the family and comrades of Irene Aragona, El abuso de migrantes y prisioneros nos recuerda la horrible época de la eugenesia, An unholy alliance: Right-wing Catholicism and political corruption. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of … And this means they can be argued with, held to account, occasionally pushed to the left, and sometimes worked with productively in the movements at the grassroots level. Join us for this important panel session with speakers who are activists from International Socialist Alternative in Britain and around the world to talk about these monumental developments and how we can link them to the fight for a new, better and socialist world! Since his election, Trump has extended the parameters of executive authority considerably. The expanding risk of war reflects heightened economic tensions internationally and the volatility of the overall political climate, which includes stepped-up popular resistance. The most critical factor in determining its success is, once again and still, the challenge of leadership. Instead, they are opening salvos that forecast a much wider and deeper class war that is building. But the capitalists still cling to it, because they have no viable economic strategy with which to replace it.” As a result, economic policy in the U.S. and elsewhere has become more fragmented, conflicted, and irrational. His policies and actions are brutal, racist, misogynist, xenophobic crimes against the working class. ... it should be well understood by now that we are in the throes of a genuine revolution of the most extravagant sort. Comrades both new and old should be able to articulate a clear and compelling message to coworkers and people we are shoulder to shoulder with in the movements. It has seen an influx of new members thanks to growing interest in socialism, which Trump’s election intensified. Given that, the ultra-right in France has predictably attempted to move in to channel people’s distress and disillusionment with the status quo into anti-immigrant attacks and nationalistic fervor. November 11, 2020 Mark Best, Socialist Party National Committee CWI Book Review: A revolutionary whose ideas couldn’t be killed. Grand challenges call for grand ideas – new tech, clever science, and smart solutions. As one example, scientists estimate that dozens of species are being extinguished every day, with terrible repercussions for humanity’s own survival. Socialist Action (SA) in the U.S. and Canada joined with four other FI sections in the last several years to form a small, loose faction opposed to FI’s liquidationist course. A big part of the problem is that leaders of the labor and social movements are still promoting faith in the Democratic Party — and in bourgeois democracy generally. Civil liberties and freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights took a big hit during the Bill Clinton presidency, and then a quantum nosedive for reasons of “national security” after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. July 4, 2020 Rebecca L. Spang. The far-right populists who have been gaining ground in much of Europe are more reactionary than the traditional conservative parties, but for now maintain some political distance from outright fascist groups. Instead, it is used against them, resulting in layoffs and spreading misery and hardship. But it’s important not to lose sight also of the valor being displayed around the world and the victories taking place. The International Monetary Fund as of April 2019 estimated that fully 70 percent of the global economy would experience negative growth for the year. This is what will draw people to us — while strengthening the causes we are part of. A small sample of heartening developments from the first half of 2019: The militancy of workers is impressive and a hopeful sign. Susan Williams is a retired physician and former delegate and founding member of Doctors Council, Local 10MD, Service Employees International Union. Stephen Durham is the International Secretary of the FSP and 2012 write-in candidate for the U.S. presidency. Identity politics has also become more and more an umbrella for bids to legitimize the reactionary chauvinism of those who are dominant culturally, racially, or nationally, and so on. We cannot be rigid about our priorities and what we respond to. PHOTO: Seattle City Council, Socialist Alternative has endorsed Ralph Nader for president four times since 1996 and in 2012 supported the Green Party’s Jill Stein. And the Australian state government of the Northern Territory was forced to pay compensation for stolen Aboriginal lands. The party and Radical Women have had some successes in demanding that the middle-casters do right by working people. Revolutionary Ideas Festival: The struggle for black liberation then and now . A suicidal fracturing is going on worldwide in the working class and among the most oppressed. A two-day series of rallies, discussions and debates on Marxist theory, lessons from history and the struggle against capitalism today. One state after another has passed laws that amount to reverting women to state property. Capitalism, operating on a “profit above everything” basis, has created the conditions for environmental destruction on a level impossible, even unimaginable, under prior systems. She teaches Marxist theory and is the FSP’s National Education Coordinator. When home prices fell and people defaulted on their loans, the financial institutions were stuck with mountains of bad debt. This period of intense polarization is one of peril and misery. Of course, they’re not the only ones. Taking the spring 2019 economic news at face value is like thinking you just bought a shiny new muscle car, only to pop the hood and find a single misfiring cylinder. This is what is so keenly needed to unite and elevate the many manifestations of rebellion into an unstoppable power for thorough-going change. Energy storing bricks. Our mission is to provide leadership in the struggles of the working class and subordinated people to help them break the chains holding them back. Currently, wars and civil unrest are primarily responsible for the world’s 70 million refugees. Labour in the white skin can never free itself as long as labour in the black skin is branded. However, the main factor is that everybody is seeking an advantage over everybody else, by whatever strategy seems optimal at the moment. It can mean promoting the idea of multi-union militant caucuses like Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity in Seattle. In fact, Trump’s pledge to deport all 11 million or so undocumented immigrants was a centerpiece of his campaign. For the capitalists, this means that their profit rates fall, and this is a death knell for the system. In Sudan, women played a prominent role in the April 2019 overthrow of decades of dictatorship. Fictitious capital is the make-believe wealth of stocks, hedge funds, financial “derivatives,” etc. When more stuff is generated with fewer workers, there may be more cheeseburgers served by automated kiosks, more orders packaged by robots, more of whatever billions of commodities, but the value embedded in each is less. But, as Leon Trotsky said in Denmark in a 1932 speech called “In Defense of October”: Even the stormiest activity can remain in the stage of demonstration or rebellion, without rising to the height of a revolution. A global economy with U.S. imperialism at the hub The recent crash and the human cost The current situation — rocks and hard places Booms, busts, and capitalism’s inevitable decline Desperately seeking solutions, III. This breaks with the policy of Lenin and Trotsky, who believed that when revolutionaries participate in electoral politics, they must draw a clear class line by only advocating parties and candidates with an unambiguously anti-capitalist program. Panicked by a strong surge from right-wing nationalists, a large section of Podemos argued that it should appear less “left” to broaden its appeal. As an illustration, in October 2018, the Yellow Vest movement erupted in France, fueled by the desperation of economically precarious farmers, small-tradespeople, and marginally employed and low-paid workers. The language learning app that helps users with some beginner lessons on different languages in one of the most brilliant app ideas for 2020. Corporations made gains, but at a huge cost to workers and the environment. We can take pride in the fact that so many developments today validate our ecosocialist, internationalist, feminist, and revolutionary integrationist program. Working its way through the U.S. judiciary is a lawsuit targeting greenhouse gas emissions filed in 2015 by 21 young people ranging in age from eight to 19. Even uprisings strong enough to topple governments, for example during the Arab Spring, dissipate if they have no clear roadmap for where to go next. Yes, police-state conditions already exist for target populations. Beat the drum for a broad, working-class united front against fascism. As of this writing, though, the end of that story is still to be written. And let’s not pretend that any real or lasting change will come from exchanging Trump for Vice President Mike Pence — defender of white nationalism, the hard-core religious right, and big business! However, drought and desertification are also main factors forcing people from their homelands. Even in China, home of the “miracle” economy, expansion slowed, down from an amazing 14 percent in 2007 to 6.6 percent in 2018. In Southeast Asia, regressive and authoritarian elements are also tapping into collective frustration, especially among workers and small-business owners. FSP warned at the time that this would put the international body on the fast track to nowhere, and it did. Forbes Technology Council. Women are fighting back ferociously around the world, but largely within a reformist framework. Good news gets less press, but it exists! Tension increased throughout the colonies until the Continental Congress declared independence on July 4, 1776 2. SAlt is not shy about contradicting Lenin and Trotsky in a 2013 quote: “We disagree with those on the left who refuse to support any party or candidate unless they identify as socialist or anti-capitalist.”, SAlt was one of the radical groups who supported Bernie Sanders’ run for the Democratic Party nomination for president in 2016. U.S. Border Patrol of ISM2020, revolutionary Ideas Festival: ‘ crisis and revolt: a to... We put them and has resulted in some concrete gains and winning socialism below for details of the socialist vanguard. Election and next steps for action the Trump administration boasted of 263,000 new jobs a! Yemen, Sudan and South Sudan but it ’ s first priority and a priority his redbaiting is crass! Iso ) backed Ralph Nader in 2000 and 2004 recession of 1990-91 of this of. Struggle against capitalism today congressional gridlock has become a permanent feature of government with... 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